Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Cindy Sherman: The Kooky Photographer of Late 20th Century

Born: 19-01-1954, Glen Ridge, New Jersey

Cindy Sherman spent her very early life studying painting at State University College of Buffalo. Her biggest inspiration came from Dali and Picasso. Sherman felt unsatisfied with the concept of painting that she finally decided to take photograph of herself, and "Boom!" She found her secret formula. With different stereotypes of women and human personality, Sherman hit the right publicity and got acclaimed to be one of the most respected photographers of late 20th century.

Cindy Sherman famous works:
1. The Untitled Film Stills (1977)
theme: Roles of B-actresses movies

2. Rear-Screen Projections (1980)
theme: similar with The Untitled Film Stills

3. The Disasters and Fairy Tales series (1985 - 1989)
theme: The Beauty of Detestation (Doll, nude, vomit, mold, etc)

4. Sex Pictures Series (1992)
theme: Physical Intimacy (nudity, genitalia)
produced in color

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